7-10 November: Workshop "The future of reporting Europe", Berlin, Germany

7-10 November: Workshop "The future of reporting Europe", Berlin, Germany

Organised by Europe & Me Magazine and the association Europa neuer Ideen e.V. the workshop will bring together 22 young aspiring journalists and media makers from Europe to discuss a transnational approach to reporting. Through specific training sessions, reporting sessions, daily blogging and social media, and an editorial forum, the workshop aims to equip participants with the essential skills to become print and web journalists of the future and to write about Europe transnationally. The workshop will also help young journalists and editors with an interest in Europe to establish a network which will enable them to continue their trans-national collaboration beyond the time spent in Berlin.
Eligibility: Applicants must be aged 18 to 30 and living in Europe ([ http://hub.coe.int/web/coe-portal/navigation/47-countries ]Council of Europe states). They should have journalistic or media experience or demonstrate significant interest in the topic and be willing to participate in the workshop over the whole four days (7th of November to 10th of November)
Application Candidates should fill in the [ http://www.europeandme.eu/apply-reporting-europe ]online application form and send a CV and two pieces of previous work to [ _blank:application@europeandme.eu ]application@europeandme.eu (reference: “Application for November Workshop”).
Travel (incl. Visa), accommodation, food and local transport will be covered by the organisers. There is a participation fee of 60 euros.
Deadline for applications: 31 August 2013, midnight CET.
For more information: http://www.europeandme.eu/reporting-europe

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