The Pronexus Association is a partner of the Europe Direct centre and of the  information  point Eurodesk of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria. The Association is managing a  workshop LLP GRUNDTVIG. The workshop  deals the issue " Digital citizenship: Digital divide  and E- Democracy". The workshop will  be held in Reggio Calabria from 14th to 19th of March 2014. the workshop involves 20 participants whose 6 from Italy and 14 from others European countries. the workshop is on the European GRUNDTVIG WORKSHOPS CATALOGUE 2013 – 2014
We Kindly ask you to promote the workshop
Working language(s): IT Target Group + Translation: Digital literacy, e-democracy, digital divide Teachers, adults’ literacy consultants, professional trainers; executives/administrative staff from organizations that offer lit 20
Workshop Organiser: ASSOCIAZIONE PRONEXUS Contact details: Via Ciccarello, 77 89132 Reggio Calabria IT-ITALY Tel: 0039 0965 595032 Mobile: 0039 328 4235510 Fax: 0039 0965 598925 E-mail:

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