Social and cultural space of Russian and foreign states: society, education, language Conference May, 21 – 25th 2014 in RSVPU

The Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University


notification letter

Dear colleagues!
We would like you to take part in the 3rd international internal and extra-mural conference «Social and cultural space of Russian and foreign states: society, education, language», which is taking place during the period May, 21 – 25th 2014 in RSVPU on the basis of Russian language and standard of speech chair.
Participation claims and materials are accepted since February, 10 till May,15 2014 by
Materials for scientific report will be accepted during the time of conference and a (one) month time after (till the 25th of July, 2014).
Teachers of higher and secondary special educational institutions, employees of scientific institutes, secondary school teachers and post graduate students are welcome. Students have an opportunity of publishing only in case of joint authorship with their scientific adviser.
The materials of the conference will be published online at After the conference finishes, all the articles and thesis will be published in the scientific edition «Social and cultural space of Russian and foreign states: society, education, language»  which is introduced in RINS and sent to authors.

1. Speech strategies in business communication.
2. Speech culture of the modern native speakers of the Russian language.
3. New educational standards: from experience of preparing and implementing .
4. Modernization of the educational system competence approach.
4. Monitoring of the quality of education at schools and higher educational at schools and higher educational establishment.
5. Traditions and innovations in school and higher school education.
6. The language of adverts.
7. The perspectives of development of the Russian educational system of the XXI century.
8. Problems and prospects of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
9. Language and culture.
10. Psychological and pedagogical conceptions in education.


The amount of text – from 4 pages.
Margin – upper – 2 cm, lower – 2 cm, left – 3 cm, right – 2 cm.
Spacing  – 1,5 p.т. (sesquialteral), indention – 1,25, type 14.
Text alignment – width.


Бурятский государственный университет
 г. Улан-Удэ
Роль синтоизма в воспитании современных японских детей
В статье кратко раскрыты истоки, сущность, структура японского религиозного воззрения «синто». Авторы обосновали влияние синтоизма на развитие педагогических идей, на формирование идеалов воспитания, на цели и формы социализации детей в японской семье и в обществе. Содержание статьи даёт представление о синтоистских обрядах, обычаях и праздниках, часть которых сегодня входит в календарь государственных и общественных событий и играет значительную роль в воспитании современных японских детей.
Ключевые слова: Синто; культы синтоизма; синтоистские обряды, обычаи, праздники; воспитание.
Buryat state university
The role of Shinto in the education of modern Japanese children
The article briefly describes the origin, essence and structure of views of the Japanese Shinto religion. The authors have substantiated the impact of Shintoism on the development of pedagogical ideas on the formation of education ideals, the objectives and forms of socialization of children in Japanese family and in society. The  article gives the idea about the Shinto rituals, customs and holidays. Some of  them are now included in the calendar of  state and public events and are powerful factors in the formation of today's Japanese children.
Keywords: Shinto, cults of Shintoism, Shinto rituals, customs and holidays, their role in the education of modern Japanese children.

Япония сегодня одна из самых однородных по этническому составу стран мира, где более 90 % населения составляют японцы и значительное большинство из них проповедует «синто». «Синто», что означает «путь богов», в течение сотен веков формировалось и укрепляло свои позиции в сознании и в поведении народа. Одни считают, что синтоизм возник из страха японских земледельцев перед природой и веры в то, что боги усмиряют стихию, наносящую ущерб человеку. Другие полагают, что религия ранней Японии была больше религией любви и благодарности, чем страха, и целью её обрядов было воздаяние хвалы и благодарения для умиротворения и смягчения божеств [Сэнсом, 1999, с. 53].

1. Махов А. Е.  Цветы древности  / А. Е. Махов // Япония сегодня. — 2009. — № 3. — T. 2. — С. 19 — 21.
2. Сэнсом Дж. Б. Япония. Краткая история культуры / Дж. Б. Сэнсом; пер. с англ. Е. В. Кириллова. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — Санкт-Петербург : Евразия, 1999. — 572 с.
3. Роль синтоизма в воспитании современных японских детей [Электронный ресурс] / Вестник РФФИ — Режим доступа : http: // www.rffi/ru

The cost of publishing one page – 150 rub. Should pay only after the message of acceptance for publication.
The organizing committee reserves the right selection of materials and their partial editing flavored conference. Materials that do not meet the stated requirements will not be accepted.
Organizing Committee Address: Russia, 620012, Ekaterinburg, ul. Machinostroiteley, 11, RSVPU, Russian Language and standard of speech chair,, Contact phone: (343) 336-69-23(343) 336-69-23.
Organizing Committee:
Kulzat K. Sadirova – doctor of philological sciences, associated professor
Еvtyugina Аlena Аleksandrovna – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
Goncharenko Ilya Georgievich – candidate of philological sciences, associated professor
Schetinina Anna Viktorovna – candidate of philological sciences, associated professor
Leontyeva Tatyana Valeryevna  – candidate of philological sciences, associated professor  
Antsiferova Olga Nikolaevna – candidate of philological sciences, senior lecturer
Sturikova Marina Vladimirovna – senior lecturer
Rozhnova Kristina Olegovna – senior laboratory

Participation in the conference

Title (article)

Name of section




Scholastic degree

Academic title




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