3rd Global Education and Youth Training of Trainers in Mollina, Spain

Deadline: 30th July 2014
Open to: participants between the ages of 18 and 30 years old, linked to an organization or network
Venue: 21-28 September 2014, Mollina, Spain

The overall aim of the Centre in terms of youth is to provide training and capacity building for young people and youth organisations as well as to facilitate their participation in decision and policy making, in the framework of quadrilogue initiatives. The Youth Co-operation Programme is composed by 3 main dimensions:

1. A Euro Arab and Mediterranean dimension that includes a new capacity-building programme that it is being developed in 2014 focused on “Structured Participation in Democratic Processes”. A first pilot training activity took place in the 2nd edition of the Mediterranean University on Youth and Global Citizenship.

2. The Network of Universities on Youth and Global Citizenship that gathers the different Universities in a coherent and articulated system and brings together relevant youth organisations and institutions working in regional co-operation processes, global education and global youth work. A 15th edition of the University on Youth and Development will be organised in Mollina, Spain (21-28 September 2014).

3. The Africa-Europe Youth Co-operation activities in the framework of the “Joint Management Agreement” signed with the European Commission in November 2008 and renewed until 2015. This agreement includes the organisation of training activities, an Online Resource Centre a Seed Funding grant and the meetings of the Africa-Europe Youth Platform.

The specific objectives of the North-South Centre’s Youth Co-operation Programme are:
To strengthen the role of youth as a key actor in global and inter-regional development, particularly in Europe, Africa and the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Region;
To support the development of regional and inter-regional action plans and programmes on youth policies following a human rights based approach;
To implement the Africa Europe Youth Co-operation Action Plan for 2012-2015;
To promote dialogue and provide training and capacity-building for youth stakeholders at European, African, Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, inter-regional and global level.

In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
be a key multiplier playing an active role within a youth organisation/platform or institution (that is or plans to be actively involved in the organisation of one of the Universities);
have some experience as trainers/facilitators;
aged between 18 and 30;
have already some qualification or experience in terms of the network of Universities and/or international youth work and project work;
be committed to attend the full duration of the course and be supported by one youth organisation/platform or institution;
be able to work, communicate and report in English.

The Course will have a participation fee of 25€ that will be paid during the course.

The North-South Centre will do its best to fully cover the travel cost of all the participants but co-funding arranged by participants/partners is welcomed. Selected participants will receive an invitation to participate from the North-South Centre in which the conditions for travel reimbursement will be outlined.
Local transfers between Malaga Airport and Antequera-Santa Ana/Bobadilla train stations will be organised by the partners of the 15th University on Youth and Development.
Board and lodging will be assured in CEULAJ by the organisers for the entire duration of the course (including breakfast, lunch, dinner and two daily coffee-breaks). Participants will be accommodated in double/triple rooms.
It is expected that participants/background organisation support the expenses related with local transports in the home country and transit.

All applicants fulfilling the criteria and interested to participate should send the application form to nsc.youthandglobalisation@coe.int by the 30th July 2014.
A recommendation letter from the organisation clearly stating the added value and possible follow-up of the participation of the applicant in the training course should be sent (scan version) in the same email of the application form. This letter should be signed and stamped. The application form and recommendation letter are necessary to consider the application eligible. All applicants should receive a confirmation email of reception of documents within 5 working days after submitting the application. If you do not receive it please contact us. The selection results will be announced by 13th August 2014.
In the need for further clarifications, don’t hesitate to contact us through the same email address.
Deadline for submission: 30th July 2014
Applications sent after deadline will not be considered

The official web-pagе http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/nscentre/Youth/Call_Particip..

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