IFITT and ENTER Conferences Connect the global eTourism Community

Call for Research Papers

Overview Organized by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT), the ENTER conference offers a worldwide and unique forum for attendees from academia, industry, government, and other organizations to actively exchange, share, and challenge state-of-the-art research and industrial case studies on the application of information and communication technologies to travel and tourism. The ENTER conference makes a continuing contribution and ground breaking interactions within the IFITT community. With a theme “eTourism: Transforming Mobility”, the ENTER 2015 conference will focus on exploring emergent and cutting-edge ICT concepts, applications, and business models that reflect the progressive transformation in travel and tourism. Issues to be covered at the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
·         E-Marketing and Social Media Strategies·         Big Data, Measurement and Analytics·         Mobile Services and Wearable Technologies·         Gaming, Gamification and Augmented Reality·         Location-based Services and Context-Aware Systems·         Internet-of-Things and Smart Destinations·         Advanced Distribution Systems and Strategies·         Travel Information Search and Retrieval·         Social Networking, Social Media and Social Inspiration·         ICT and Tourism Experience·         ICT Adoption, Use, and Value Creation·         E-strategy and e-Business models·         ICT-enabled Partnership and Collaboration·         ICT for Innovation and Service Design·         E-Learning and Distributed Learning·         ICT for Regional Development and Sustainability·         Website Design and Evaluation·         Legal and Social Aspects of ICT, including Issues concerning Digital Divide, Privacy and Internet
The conference brings together the research community with the industry and it is organized in three streams, namely industry, destinations and research tracks. The conference also features six to eight world class keynote speakers. 

ENTER 2015 will return to Lugano, Switzerland, after the success of ENTER 2010. Thanks to a partnership between the Area Tourism of the City of Lugano and the University of Lugano (Università della Svizzera Italiana, USI), the Italian part of Switzerland will once again be the epicenter of the debate on new technologies in travel and tourism.

Call for Research Papers
Research papers are invited across the widest spectrum of Information and Communication Technologies in Travel and Tourism. All submissions to the research track are rigorously evaluated for novelty, significance, and soundness. Papers should clearly state the background, introduction, purpose, theory, methodology, results, conclusions and managerial/industry/social implications of the study, and be fully referenced with appropriate citations. The proceedings of recently held ENTER conferences are listed by ISI's Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S). ENTER 2015 proceedings will follow a similar indexing process for ISI and other major indices.
A) Full Papers Full papers should be innovative, so to advance the knowledge base of related fields. These papers present major contributions to the field and should be up to 12 pages in length. The conference proceedings (to be published by Springer International Publishing) will include all accepted full papers. An award for the best full paper will be presented during the conference.
B) Research Notes Research notes of up to 5 pages are invited. These papers represent new ideas not developed enough at the scale of a full paper, findings that restate known research, descriptions of prototypes, or research that is limited in scope. All research notes will be published by the e-Review of Tourism Research (eRTR) at http://ertr.tamu.edu/ (Editor of eRTR: Ulrike Gretzel, University of Queensland, Australia). 
C) Organized Sessions Proposals for organizing technical or other research-oriented sessions are invited. Proposals will include details of potential participants, topics, and presenters. Session Chairs are expected to attend ENTER 2015, set the order of presentations, and chair their session/s. Deadline for session chairs to submit their proposals to Research Track Chairs is August 31, 2014.

Please refer to the ‘Author Advice’ document as a style guide for standards to follow in the preparation of manuscripts. Papers must be uploaded to the online reviewing platform (https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=enter2015). All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed by experienced researchers who are members of the scientific review committee. Final acceptance will depend on whether the author(s) can adequately address review comments to the satisfaction of the reviewers. Authors must submit their revised manuscripts by the deadline and must register for the conference by November 16, 2014 in order to have their papers included in the Conference Proceedings/eRTR.
Time Schedule 
Submission closes: September 1, 2014
Final acceptance:
October 31, 2014
Registration Deadline:
November 16, 2014
February 3 - 6, 2015
Fast Track Journal of Information Technology and Tourism
Best papers' authors will be invited to submit an extended version of their article to Journal of Information Technology and Tourism (Springer). These articles will be reviewed under a special fast track in order to assure a timely publication.

Research Track Chairs
Iis Tussyadiah, Washington State University Vancouver, USA (iis.tussyadiah@vancouver.wsu.edu)

Alessandro Inversini,
Bournemouth University, UK

Oriol Miralbell - Professor, Open University of Catalonia
Oriol Miralbell - Professor, Open University of Catalonia
ENTER is the leading conference worldwide where experts and academics on ICT and Tourism can follow the most recent research and  exchange knowledge on future trends and on the last innovations. As a member of IFITT, the community that has been organizing ENTER for over twenty years,  I have always enjoyed the conference since it is an excellent opportunity to learn and to contact colleagues from the most important universities, as well as tourism and ICT organizations. 
  • Lugano
  • webatelier
  • Lugano
  • webatelier

  • Travel Mole
  • Google
  • Xpedia
  • Visit Britain
  • Visit Sweden
  • Your Singapore
  • KLM
  • Radison Hotels
  • Tnooz
  • Tripadvisor
  • Travel Mole
  • Google
  • Xpedia
  • Visit Britain

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