Avrupa Konseyi'nde Staj Fırsatı

councileuropeAvrupa Konseyi'nde 8 haftadan 5 aya kadar staj yapma fırsatına sahip olabilirsiniz. Konsey, yılda iki kez staj alımı yapmaktadır. 
The Council of Europe encourages applications from any person who has the requisite qualifications, without distinction as to gender, disability, marital or parental status, racial, ethnic or social background, skin colour, religion, convictions or sexual orientation. Specific measures may be taken to ensure equal opportunities for applicants with disabilities.

Who may apply?
- Nationals of one of the Council of Europe member states;
- minimum education requirements a diploma for the first cycle of higher education within the meaning of the Bologna Declaration (bachelor’s degree or equivalent), wishing to acquire practical experience and knowledge of the functioning and activities of the Council of Europe;
- having a very good knowledge of one of the two Council of Europe official languages (English or French) together with good drafting ability. Good knowledge of the other official language is appreciated.
The duties which trainees are required to perform principally comprise:
- research work;
- preparation of draft reports and studies for meetings of experts;
- drafting of meeting reports;
- assistance with work in hand;
- committee organisation;
- updating the website.
No traineeship in translation or interpretation is offered.
Introductory courses for trainees enable them to find out about the structures, the activities and the international co-operation procedures followed by the Council of Europe, including the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights. Trainees may attend conferences held within the Organisation, sittings of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and meetings that may take place during their stay in Strasbourg.
Trainees are not remunerated. They pay their own travel and accommodation expenses. The specific measures apply to candidates who provide a certificate or attestation issued by an officially recognised body or professional to confirm the type and degree of disability or disabilities.

In order to enable the largest number of applicants to benefit from an opportunity for a traineeship at the Council of Europe, nobody may undertake more than one traineeship in the Organisation, whatever form it may take.
How to apply
Use the on-line system of candidature and submit the application by the due date. No application can be accepted other than on line.
Applicants should have an e-mail address enabling them to set up an account.
Application forms must be completed in French or English (only); they may be completed at several attempts and submitted once finalised.
When to apply
The properly completed traineeship applications for the first session 2014 must be submitted online between 16th of September and 29th of November, 2013 (midnight French time).
Owing to the large amount of applications to be processed, it is strongly recommended to apply at least one month before the deadline. Incomplete applications will not be considered. After the deadline, the forms will be locked and it will no longer be possible to submit applications.
Traineeship sessions Period of traineeship Period of enrolment
first session from 17/03/2014* to 31/07/2014 from 16/09/2013 to 29/11/2013
second session from 09/2014** to 01/2015 closed
* Please note that the starting date cannot be altered
** Application for the second traineeship session 2014 will become available in February 2014
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