The 29th Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology

About HawaiiWelcome!

May 15-17, 2014
Hawai`i Convention Center and Hilton Hawaiian Village
Honolulu, Hawai`i (Oahu)
Dear Colleagues,
This is your invitation to attend the world’s largest and most prestigious conference on work and organizational psychology.  The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) will hold its annual conference at the crossroads of the Pacific.  It is with great pleasure that I invite you to join us in Honolulu, Hawaii, May 15-17, 2014, for our educational and invigorating meeting.  This event offers numerous opportunities to build new relationships while also keeping up with the latest advancements in industrial-organizational (I-O) research and practice.  We will also be taking advantage of our location in the Pacific to network and help facilitate international research collaborations.
What can you expect to find at the SIOP annual conference?
  • Opportunities to attend special sessions held prior to the conference including in-depth workshops on the latest innovations in practice
  • An intellectually stimulating scientific program featuring more than 300 presentations by leading researchers, teachers, and practitioners
  • Special sessions that capitalize on our unique location including topics on East-West science and practice collaborations
  • A full day of theme-track programming featuring compelling TED-style talks centered on ways we can expand I-O psychology through connection with areas or approaches outside mainstream I-O
  • World-class exhibitors showcase
  • Welcome reception for all first-time attendees to the conference
  • Reception for international attendees
  • Closing reception featuring Hawaiian food and entertainment
I-O psychology is a dynamic and growing field.  The SIOP annual conference is your best opportunity to engage with the largest gathering of I-O psychologists in the world.  With a cutting-edge scientific program as well as the state-of-the-art practice on display, I highly encourage you to participate.  We are looking forward to welcoming you in exciting Honolulu, Hawaii, in May!
Best Regards and Aloha,
PresidentTammyAllenTammy D. Allen, Ph.D.
SIOP President

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