Creating and perpetuating inequality: The institutional work of exploitation

Wednesday's seminar will be presented by Prof Ralph Hamann. Ralph Hamann is a Professor at the UCT GSB, and he holds a Research Chair with the UCT African Climate and Development Initiative. He teaches on business sustainability, cross-sector collaboration and research design. He leads a team of researchers looking at why and how organisations contribute to transformations to sustainability.

Prof Hamann’s other research interests has included organisational and governance responses to complex social and environmental problems. He has also been a founding Director of FutureMeasure, a company that provides a web-based sustainability performance management system (developed initially for Woolworths); a co-founder of the Southern Africa Food Lab, a multi-stakeholder initiative in support of food security; and a Director of the Cape Town Partnership, known for its contributions to urban development strategies and initiatives.

AbstractSociologists highlight the role of exploitative labour relations in creating and maintaining inequality, but we know little about how such institutions are created and maintained. We ask, what is the institutional work of creating and maintaining exploitative institutions? We study employers’ institutional work in the South African mining industry between 1886 and 2012, analysing historical sources and interview data. We find that employers engaged in inter-related forms of work to establish and maintain an exploitative and remarkably resilient labour system, whose structural features are only adjusted in the 1990s, but with further exploitative outcomes. From this analysis, we develop a more general model relating employers’ institutional work to their control of labour and to labour supply. We contribute to the understanding of the creation and perpetuation of inequality by elaborating the agency involved in the appropriation of labour effort, connecting market-based and institutional explanations of inequality.

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