Rationale and aim
Institutional change has become a key topic in the literature on environmental planning and management. Institutional change is both a normative necessity for dealing with a wide range of environmental issues, as well as a theoretical problem that poses new questions about the role that actors play in processes of institutional change. This special issue of Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (JEPM) aims to explore new ways of conceptualising the interplay between actors and institutional frameworks underlying institutional change in various policy domains, including water governance, climate change adaptation, and urban planning. It does so by exploring the concept of institutional work, which is defined as the actions through which actors attempt to, or actually do, create, maintain or disrupt institutional frameworks. Institutional work is a concept that has its origin in organizations studies and has so far been mostly used in that context. This special issue starts from the assumption that the concept has much wider relevance and can be useful in the context of environmental governance, but must be re-thought and re-defined in order to do so. The contributors are asked to apply and critically reflect on the concept of institutional work in cases of environmental planning and management to identify new insights about the ways in which institutional work can be linked and embedded within wider theories about environmental governance.
Key questions that we will address in the special issue include:How to conceptualize and study institutional work?
How the account for the various other factors that help to explain institutional dynamics?
What novel insights does a focus on institutional work put forward?
How can the concept of institutional work be embedded in wider theories on governance?
This special issue will contribute to ongoing debates about the interplay between actors and institutional frameworks, and offer novel insights that can help in bringing about desired institutional change and broader sustainability transformations in environmental planning and management.
Timeline for compiling special issue:
The special issue will be compiled according to the following timeline. Significantly, it will involve a collaborative panel on institutional work with the special issue contributors during a broader Symposium on "Innovation and Learning in Resilient Systems" organized by the Open University, the Netherlands in Heerlen, on March 23-24, 2017. During this panel session we will discuss all contributions to the special issue, particularly focusing on collaborative theory generation based on all the submitted manuscripts to inform the summary paper for the special issue.
Deadline for draft paper submissions - 28 Feb 2017
Collaborative panel/workshop session with special issue contributors on institutional work during Symposium in Heerlen, The Netherlands - 23-24 Mar 2017
Feedback from S.I. editors send to authors - Early April 2017
Submission deadline & start of review process - 31 May 2017
There is already an initial set of papers that will form the core of to the special issue. However, we welcome additional contributions from other scholars working on institutional change. Authors considering to submit a paper to the special issue should express their interest as soon as possible by sending an abstract of 300-400 words to the Guest Editors Raoul Beunen (raoul.beunen@ou.nl) and James Patterson (james.patterson@vu.nl), so that we can provide for thematic consistency between individual contributions.
Prospective authors should consult the Instructions for Authors page on the journal homepage for guidelines and information on paper formatting and submission.
Papers should be submitted via the journal’s online submissions system https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/cjep, where there is an option for assignment to the special issue. All papers will be handled and reviewed according to the journal’s quality standards.
Editorial information
Guest Editor : Raoul Beunen, Open University & Wageningen University, the Netherlands(raoul.beunen@ou.nl)
Guest Editor : James Patterson, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands(james.patterson@vu.nl )
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