Write to the top!: How to become a prolific academic

Write to the top!: How to become a prolific academic
1 First, Establish a Well-Honed Writing Habit 1

1 Write or Don’t Write but Make a Decision 1

2 Write as a Way of Life 4

3 Write about What Compels You 6

4 Take Control of Your Day 8

5 Write Every Day 10

6 Schedule Writing Blocks 12

7 Capture Time by Writing in the “Gaps” 15

8 Stay Home (or Locked in a Tower) 17

2 Become Dogmatically Disciplined and

Set Firm Boundaries 23

9 Take Vows of Discipline and Delayed

Gratification 23

10 “Just Say No” to Competing Demands 25

11 Rebuke the Demons of Service 28

12 Connect your Writing to Teaching

and Service 30

13 Avoid the Factory Mentality and

Lunch Crowd 33

14 Demand Equity in Faculty Responsibilities 36

15 Model Boundaries without Neglecting

Students or Retreating 40

16 Keep “To Do” Lists for Your Day, Year,

and Career 43

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3 Cater to Your Writing Rhythms 47

17 Discover Your Optimal Writing Time(s) 47

18 When in the “Writer’s Flow,” Stay There! 49

19 Honor Your Own Writing Rhythms 51

20 Stimulate Brain Chemistry

and Writing Efficacy 55

4 Develop the Attitudes and Perspectives

of a Prolific Writer 59

21 Frame Productivity as

a Professional Privilege 60

22 Write to Thrive, Not

Merely to Survive 62

23 Be Patient as a Scholarly Writer 64

24 Be Persistent as a Scholarly Writer 67

25 Tolerate Rejection (and Learn from It) 69

26 Learn Good Coping Skills as a Writer 73

27 Take Time (But Not Your

Writing Time) to Contemplate 75

5 Know When to Collaborate

and When to Cut Losses 79

28 Find Supportive Colleagues and

Critical Editors 79

29 Collaborate Often but Selectively 83

30 Carefully Structure

Collaborative Projects 87

31 Know When to Cash Out 91

6 Practice Systematic Writing from

Start to Finish 95

32 Clean Your Desk and File Your Work 96

33 Develop a Sound Writing System 99

34 Choose the Journal (or Publisher) First 101

35 Write Your Title Early 104

36 Work on One Manuscript at a Time 106

37 Generate Multiple Products When Possible 109

38 Write Programmatically—Maintain

a Focus 111

39 Pick the Low-Hanging Fruit First 114

viii Contents

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40 Overestimate Time to Completion 116

41 It’s All about Quality

(and Quantity Matters too) 119

7 Revise, Edit, and Revise Some More 123

42 Mediocrity is Not Allowed—Edit

Yourself Thoroughly 123

43 In Words, Practice Parsimony 127

44 Return Revisions Immediately 128

8 Seek Mentors, Mentoring Networks,

and Writing Coaches 133

45 Maximize Productive

Mentoring Relationships 133

46 When Seeking a Writing

Mentor Be Selective 136

47 Access Writing Coaches

for Specific Concerns 138

48 Use Mentors to Learn

Academic Cultural Norms 140

49 Not All Writers Benefit from

Mentoring, Networking, and Coaching 142

9 Tackle Thoughts and Emotions that

Block Productivity 145

50 Dispute Thoughts

that Interfere with Writing 146

51 Overcome Procrastination or Die Trying 148

52 Reinforce Desired Behaviors 150

53 Refuse to Dwell on Setbacks 153

54 You Are a Writer, Writing is not You 155

10 Master the Mechanics of Publication: What Publishers Want You to Know 159

55 Solicit Feedback from Peer Readers and Proofreaders 160

56 Target Your Manuscript to a Specific Journal or Publisher 162

57 Carefully Prepare Your Manuscript 165

58 Carefully Prepare Your Cover Letter and Summary 168

59 Carefully Prepare Your Book Prospectus 170

60 Communicate Clearly with Editors and Publishers 174

11 Drink Deeply from the Cup of Life 177

61 Connect Writing to Life and Life to Writing 177

62 Practice Self Care and Healthy Habits 180

63 Infuse Your Writing with a Guiding Philosophy 183

64 Gracefully Weather Critical Life Events 186

65 Adapt at Midlife (and Beyond) 189

References 195

Index 197

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