Dikkat çekici bir önsöz: "If there are any errors in this book..."
Çalışmalarını tamamlayan yazarlar için eserlerinin takdimi mahiyetinde yer alan "önsöz" kavramı, ilginç bir örnek ile gündeme geldi sosyal medyada. Yazar, eseri hakkında çeşitli kişilere teşekkür ettiğini ifade ederken, bir cümlesi ile okuyucularını oldukça şaşırttı:
"If there are any errors in this book, as surely there must be, they are fault of one of these other philosophers- most likely Peter Klein, because he supervised my PhD and should have trained me better."
Kitapta yer alan muhtemel hataların başta doktora danışmanı olmak üzere diğer düşünürlere ait olduğunu söyleyen yazar, akıllarda bu ifadeleri ile yer etmeyi başardı.
İşte Michael Huemer tarafından kaleme alınan, Palgrave Macmillan yayınlarından çıkmış olan Approaching Infinity isimli kitabın önsözünün güncellenmiş son hali:
For many years, I have made a point of confounding my philosophy
students with a variety of paradoxes, including several paradoxes of the
infinite. And for many years, I tried myself to think through these paradoxes,
without success. I list seventeen of these paradoxes in Chapter 3.
But over and above the seventeen paradoxes, there were three philosophical
questions about the infinite that exercised me.
Here is the first issue. It seems that there are some infinite series that
can be completed. For instance, for an object to move from point A to
point B, it must first travel half the distance, then half the remaining
distance, then half the remaining distance, and so on. According to one
famous argument, because this is an infinite series, the object can never
reach point B. The proper response seems to be to insist that one can in
fact complete an infinite series.
On the other hand, it seems that there are other infinite series that
cannot be completed. For instance, imagine a lamp that starts out on,
then is switched off after half a minute, then back on after another
quarter minute, then off after another eighth of a minute, and so on.
At the end of one minute, is it on or off? The proper response seems
to be that one could not complete such an infinite series of switchings.
We might think this is because an infinite series, by definition,
is endless, and one cannot come to the end of something that is
In other words, the solution to the first puzzle (‘one can complete an
infinite series’) seems to be the opposite of the solution to the second
puzzle (‘one cannot complete an infinite series’). That’s puzzling. What
we would like to say is that some infinite series are possible, and others
are impossible. But why? What is the difference between the infinite
series of halfway-motions, and the infinite series of lamp-switchings?
That’s the first philosophical question I wanted to answer.
This puzzle is tied up with a popular genre of arguments in philosophy:
it is common to argue that some philosophical theory must be rejected
because it leads to an infinite regress. For instance, if every event has a
cause, and the cause of an event is also an event, then there must be an
infinite regress of causes. To avoid this, some say, we should reject the
idea that everything has a cause; instead, we should posit a ‘first cause’,
something that caused everything else and was itself uncaused.
But almost as common as infinite regress arguments is a certain type of
response, which claims that there is nothing wrong with the infinite regress.
For instance, some say that we should simply accept that there is an infinite
series of causes stretching into the past forever. Now, there seems to be wide
agreement among philosophers that some but not all infinite regresses are
bad; but there has been no consensus on which regresses are bad (‘vicious’)
and which benign. Hence, the second philosophical question I wanted to
answer: What makes an infinite regress vicious or benign?
Finally, I started reflecting on infinities in science, where there seems
to be an analogous issue. Some infinities are considered ‘bad’ – for
instance, the infinite energy density and infinite spacetime curvature of
a black hole are considered problems in astrophysics. They are thought
to indicate a breakdown of accepted theories (notably, general relativity),
and astrophysicists have been trying to devise new theories that eliminate
these infinities. But there are other infinities that no one seems
worried about: no one seems to consider the notion of an infinitely large
universe, or the notion of an infinite future, to be problematic. Why is
this? What makes some infinite quantities in a theory problematic while
others are perfectly acceptable?
One can see that these three questions – ‘Why are some infinite series
completeable and others not?’, ‘Why are some infinite regresses vicious
and others not?’, and ‘Why are some infinite quantities problematic and
others not?’ – are quite similar, and so perhaps they have a common
answer. After several years of puzzlement concerning the first two questions,
I finally tried to connect them with the third question. It was then
that I thought of a theory that seems to me to account for which sorts
of infinities are possible and which impossible. After publishing one
paper on the subject (‘Virtue and Vice among the Infinite’), I decided to
expand my ideas into this book.
I would like to thank Stuart Rachels for the conversations about
the infinite that led to this expansion. In addition, I am grateful
for the comments of Adrian Moore and Matt Skene on earlier drafts of
the manuscript, and the questions and comments of Peter Klein, Ted
Poston, Jeanne Peijnenberg, David Atkinson, and the other participants
of the Infinite Regress Workshop organized by Scott Aiken at Vanderbilt
University in October, 2013, where I presented my earlier paper on the
subject. If there are any errors in this book, as surely there must be, they
are the fault of one of these other philosophers – most likely Peter Klein,
because he supervised my PhD and should have trained me better.
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