11th EBES Conference - Ekaterinburg

On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to invite you to participate in the 11th EBES Conference, in Ekaterinburg, Russia, which will bring together many distinguished researchers from all over the world. Participants will find opportunities for presenting new research, exchanging information, and discussing current issues. Although we focus on Europe and Asia, all papers from major economics, finance, and business fields - theoretical or empirical - are highly encouraged. Qualified papers will be published in the EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review) and EBES 2013 Anthology. Also submitted full papers will be included in the conference proceeding CD and will be sent to Thomson Reuters in order to be reviewed for coverage in its Conference Proceedings Citation Index. Abstract submission for the 11th EBES Conference is now open. I also would like to remind you that the deadline for abstract submission is June 16th, 2013. I look forward to receiving your submissions and to seeing you on September 12-14, 2013 in Ekaterinburg, Russia.

Sincerely, Iftekhar Hasan, Ph.D President

Registration for the 11th EBES Conference - Ekaterinburg will start on June 30, 2013. The deadline for the registration is July 31, 2013. To register, you should complete the online registration form and pay the registration fee. Participants also have an option to pay the registration fee via bank transfer. To obtain the bank account details, please contact us at ebes@ebesweb.org. In order to be included in the Conference Program and the Abstract Book, the registration fee must be received by July 31, 2013. Invoice will be handed to you at the conference. If you do not inform us, we would simply put your name and university/affiliation to the invoice.

At least one author must be registered for each accepted paper to be included in the Conference Program. Registration fee is 250 Euros and 100 Euros for each additional paper. Registration is required for all participants attending the conference. Registration fee includes the abstract book, the conference proceeding CD, and other conference materials. It also includes welcome reception, coffee breaks, and lunches during the conference. Accommodation is not included.

 Registration fees       Deadline: July 31, 2013
 Standard Fee  250 €
 Co-author  200 €
 Additional Paper  100 €
 Student  200 €
 Participant fee (no presentation)   200 €
                                                             Best Paper Award
                                (Sponsored by John P. Rust, Georgetown University)

While submitting full papers are not required for EBES Conferences, only completed papers accepted for presentation will be eligible for the Best Paper Award. In order to be considered for the award, completed papers must be submitted before August 11, 2013 and at least one of the authors must have registered for the conference. The Best Paper Award will be selected by our Award Committee and EBES will award 500 Euros and “Best Paper Award Certificate” to the winner.
                                                              Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 16, 2013
Reply-by: June 30, 2013
Paper Submission Deadline (Optional): August 11, 2013*
Registration Deadline: July 31, 2013
Announcement of the Program: August 12, 2013
Paper Submission for the EBES journals and EBES 2013 Anthology: November 22, 2013

* Completed paper submission is optional. If you want to be considered for the Best Paper Award, after submitting your abstract before June 16, 2013, you must also submit your completed (full) paper.
                                                            Publication Opportunities
Qualified papers will be published in the EBES journals (Eurasian Business Review and Eurasian Economic Review). EBES journals are indexed in the Cabell's Directory, Ulrich's Periodicals DirectoryRePEc, EBSCO Business Source Complete, ProQuest ABI/Inform, IBSS: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, and EconLit

Interested EBES 2013 Conferences participants can also resubmit their full papers for the EBES 2013 Anthology (has an ISBN number) which is published annually and includes papers presented in the EBES 2013 Conferences.

Also all accepted abstracts will be published in the Conference Program and the Abstract Book (with an ISBN number). It will be distributed to all conference participants at the Conference. Although submitting full papers are not required, submitted full papers will be included in the conference proceeding CD and will be sent to Thomson Reuters in order to be reviewed for coverage in its Conference Proceedings Citation Index

Thumbnail image for http://www.ebesweb.org/DesktopModules/FotoBuyutec/images/757/Ekaterinburg_1.jpg

Thumbnail image for http://www.ebesweb.org/DesktopModules/FotoBuyutec/images/757/Ekaterinburg_2.jpg

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Thumbnail image for http://www.ebesweb.org/DesktopModules/FotoBuyutec/images/757/Ekaterinburg_6.jpg

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