Conference Program Dates
Wednesday - Friday, October 2-4, 2013
Rome, Italy
About the Conference
ABSRC is an important international
gathering of business and business-related sciences scholars and
educators. ABSRC 2013 Rome will take place in conference facilities (the
venue hotel is Hotel Novotel Roma La Rustica) located in Rome, Italy.
Call for PapersIn addition to scientific papers, the focus is on various best practices and solutions, which are important for business-related policies and activities at the individual, organizational, group, network, local, regional, national, international, and global level.
Call for Presentations of Best Practices
ABSRC 2013 Rome New Paper Submission Deadline - August 8, 2013 (June 11, 2013)
The deadline for submissions of papers for ABSRC 2013 Rome has been extended until August 8, 2013. The deadline for submissions of presentation titles of best practices and for registrations remains the same (August 15, 2013).
ABSRC 2013 Rome Country Count = 40 (June 11, 2013)
Submissions for ABSRC 2013 Rome have been received from authors from 40 different countries. Submissions remain open.
ABSRC 2013 Venice Competed (March 22, 2013)
ABSRC 2013 in Venice was successfully completed (246 authors from 43 different countries, 134 works in the conference proceedings).
Management and Subscriptions
ABSRC 2013 - organized by GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Kidricevo nabrezje 2, SI-6330 Piran, Slovenia & Edukator d.o.o., Kidriceva ulica 46, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia, tel. +38640800259.
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